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What is an ‘F10’ and how to complete one

By Kevin Kerin, Managing Director
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computer and paperwork on a desk

What is an F10?

The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 state that some construction projects must be notified to the authorities.

Regulation 6 sets out the duty that a client must notify the relevant enforcing authority in writing of certain construction projects as soon as is practicable before the construction phase begins.

The document name of ‘F10’ is simply the reference which has been provided by the HSE to the form which is used in order to send the notification.

If a construction project is not notifiable at first, but there are subsequent changes to its scope so that it fits the criteria or notification, the client must notify the work to the relevant enforcing authority as soon as possible.

How do I know if the project is ‘notifiable’?

A project is notifiable if the construction work on site is scheduled to:
• Last longer than 30 working days and have more than 20 workers working simultaneously at any point in the project; or
• Exceeds 500 person days

How do I complete an F10 and what’s involved?

To notify a project, the F10 online form should be used. The F10 portal can be found here. The particulars that need to be notified when completing an F10 form include:

• Date of forwarding
• Address of construction site
• Name of local authority where site is located
• Brief description of project
• Contact details of client, Principal Designer and Principal Contractor
• Date planned for start of construction phase
• Time allowed by client to Principal Contractor for planning and preparation of construction work
• Planned duration of construction phase
• Estimated maximum number of people at work on construction site
• Planned number of contractors on construction site
• Name and address of any contractor already engaged
• Declaration signed by the client that he is aware of his duties under CDM

Who needs to complete the F10?

For commercial projects, the client must notify the HSE, however, the client can ask another duty holder to complete this on their behalf (usually the Principal Designer). For domestic projects, the F10 can be completed by the contractor or Principal Designer.

Need to know more about CDM?

At USP, we understand that the particulars of CDM regulations can be tricky. If you need to know more about CDM, and the specific roles and duties contained under these regulations, please visit our Principal Designer page, or read our other CDM-related blogs here.

Alternatively, if you want to speak with one of our consultants, please email us at or call us on 01903 942996.